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Grails hasMany and criteria not working as expected

I have two models with a hasMany relation

class Puturru implements Serializable {
    String name

    Set<Fua> fuas

    static hasMany = [fuas: Fua]

    static constraints = {
        fuas(nullable: true)


class Fua {

    String name

    static constraints = {

When running the next test I'm getting a LazyInitializationException

 void "test something"() {
    def puturrus

    Puturru.withNewSession { session ->
        p =
        Fua f
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            f =
        } true, flush: true)


    Puturru.withNewSession {

        puturrus = Puturru.createCriteria().listDistinct {

            fetchMode("fuas", FetchMode.JOIN)


    Puturru.withNewSession {
        assert puturrus.fuas*.name.size() > 0


    p.fuas.each { it.delete() }

If I set puturrus mapping

static mapping = {
    fuas lazy: false

Then all the elements are retrieved although it uses multiple selects, otherwise it use this query

select ...
from puturru ...
left outer join puturru_fua fuas2_ on

I can't set mapping in the real app, because I don't want to fetch all entries in all cases. To me looks like I'm missing something to make the criteria go further than the intermediate table.

I'm using grails 2.3.6 and hibernate

Do somebody know why is not getting the "fuas" objects?

EDIT 1: Some more information

I have been trying to do some changes to the domains and test aiming to figure out what the problem is.

After @sudhir suggestion, I started playing with joins I changed the criteria to something like

    puturrus = Puturru.createCriteria().listDistinct {
        fuas {

Then the query generated by gorm and hibernate was

select ...
from puturru this_
inner join puturru_fua fuas3_ on
inner join fua fuas_alias1_ on

This time we got all the entries but not their relations with the puturrus domains. We compromise and put a second query just for getting the associations, so for the time being the second session block is

Puturru.withNewSession {

    puturrus = Puturru.createCriteria().listDistinct {
        fuas {

    Puturru.createCriteria().listDistinct {
        fetchMode("fuas", FetchMode.JOIN)

This is way better than my previous approach that was iterate over all the puturrus and all the fuas within the criteria session, but I think is still sub-optimal, so are there any way to get both the data and the associations in a single query?


  • We found a proper solution using createAlias

    Puturru.withNewSession {
        puturrus = Puturru.createCriteria().listDistinct {
            createAlias("fuas", "fuas", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)

    Actually it seems to be a bug in Hibernate 3.6 already fixed in Hibernate 4