This is my application: I have the user that is compsed by three elemtents
AppUser contains an instance of User and DetailUser (this lastone nullable)
This is my code:
if (user.validate() && appUser.validate() ){
appUser.user = user
appUserDetail.appUser = appUser
No error validations, but the ID of my appUser is null!
Sincerely I don't understand why.
Hibernate.AssertionFailure an assertion failure occured (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session)
org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null id in it.geny.auth.AppUser entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
Finally I found a solution.
Searching on SO about this issue I found many post about this. Some people said that the :
maybe can close session, as consequence the object will not be saved. But where I call .get function?!?!?
def appUser = new AppUser(params)
Inside I have a one-to-one rel to many domanins (ex. Region region). Inside the GrailsParameterMap I had params."appUser.region" with the ID of the Region.
If I use the binder of grails (spring) (I cannot check the code, but if this true, I will find a .get(id) somewhere...), my object will not persisted.
But , if I bind manually , ALL IS OK, my object is saved.