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T-SQL Pivot? Possibility of creating table columns from row values

Is it actually possible to rotate a T-SQL (2005) so that (for the sake of argument) the values of the first column's rows become the titles of the output table's columns?

I realise this is not really what PIVOT is for, but it's what I need - the ability to request a table where the columns are not known before-hand because they have been entered as values into a table.

Even a hack would be nice, tbh.


  • Itzik Ben-Gan's example on how to build dynamic PIVOT, I highly recommend his Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming book

    -- Creating and Populating the Orders Table
    USE tempdb;
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Orders') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.Orders;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Orders
    orderid   int        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED,
    orderdate datetime   NOT NULL,
    empid     int        NOT NULL,
    custid    varchar(5) NOT NULL,
    qty       int        NOT NULL
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_orderdate_orderid
    ON dbo.Orders(orderdate, orderid);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(30001, '20020802', 3, 'A', 10);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(10001, '20021224', 1, 'A', 12);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(10005, '20021224', 1, 'B', 20);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(40001, '20030109', 4, 'A', 40);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(10006, '20030118', 1, 'C', 14);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(20001, '20030212', 2, 'B', 12);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(40005, '20040212', 4, 'A', 10);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(20002, '20040216', 2, 'C', 20);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(30003, '20040418', 3, 'B', 15);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(30004, '20020418', 3, 'C', 22);
    INSERT INTO dbo.Orders(orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, qty)
    VALUES(30007, '20020907', 3, 'D', 30);
    -- Static PIVOT
    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT custid, YEAR(orderdate) AS orderyear, qty
    FROM dbo.Orders) AS D
    PIVOT(SUM(qty) FOR orderyear IN([2002],[2003],[2004])) AS P;
    -- Dynamic PIVOT
    @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @y    AS INT,
    @sql  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
    -- Construct the column list for the IN clause
    -- e.g., [2002],[2003],[2004]
    SET @cols = STUFF(
    (SELECT N',' + QUOTENAME(y) AS [text()]
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(orderdate) AS y FROM dbo.Orders) AS Y
    ORDER BY y
    FOR XML PATH('')),
    1, 1, N'');
    -- Construct the full T-SQL statement
    -- and execute dynamically
    SET @sql = N'SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT custid, YEAR(orderdate) AS orderyear, qty
    FROM dbo.Orders) AS D
    PIVOT(SUM(qty) FOR orderyear IN(' + @cols + N')) AS P;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;