When using a component we specify how to validate it with a required
, maxlength
or a validator
and those validation are enforced on the server which is great.
When using Primefaces inputMask
we can specify a mask. The mask lead us to think that the user input will always match this mask. Unfortunately this is not the case and we have to code a validator
to make sure that the user input will be the way we want it to be. So, unless I am missing something, the "client-side only" behavior of the inputMask
is just good enough to provide a hint to the user on how to fill a field.
Is there a generic validator
than can be paired with p:inputMask
to make sure that the user input is really matching the mask?
PrimeFaces doesn't offer that out the box.
It should however be relatively trivial to convert a mask pattern to a regex pattern using a simple for loop over a character array. You can then use this regex pattern to validate the value.
<p:inputMask ... validator="maskValidator">
public class MaskValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
String submittedValue = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(component.getClientId(context));
if (submittedValue == null || submittedValue.isEmpty()) {
return; // Let @NotNull / required="true" handle.
InputMask input = (InputMask) component;
String mask = input.getMask();
StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : mask.toCharArray()) {
switch (c) {
case 'a': regex.append("[a-zA-Z]"); break;
case '9': regex.append("[0-9]"); break;
case '?': case '+': case '*': regex.append(c); break;
default: regex.append(Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c))); break;
if (!submittedValue.matches(regex.toString())) {
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(submittedValue + " does not match " + mask));
Note that the validator works with unconverted submitted value, not with the passed-in 3rd argument, which might be (implicitly) converted beforehand and thus have a potentially different toString()