I have a store that is huge, (thousands of rows), and in order for my app to run faster I would like to set a max page Size to load when the app is first opened. Then only display the rest of the data of the user scrolls down. Here is what I have so far:
Ext.define("myApp.store.foo", {
extend : 'Ext.data.Store',
requires : ['Ext.data.Store', 'myApp.model.foo', 'Ext.data.reader.Xml'],
alias: 'myApp.store.approachMainStore',
config: {
model : 'myApp.model.foo',
storeId: 'mainStore',
autoLoad: true,
pageSize: 50,
proxy : {
type : "ajax",
url : 'resources/images/data/bar_all.xml',
reader : {
type : "xml",
pageParam: 'page',
clearOnPageLoad: false,
rootProperty : 'foo',
record : 'bar'
I'm using a xtype of List. But when I run my app everything works except it loads all the data just as before I added pageSize: 50,
What am I missing?
Running Sencha Touch 2.4.1
You should use ListPaging
plugin in the list.
xclass: 'Ext.plugin.ListPaging',
autoPaging: true,
loadMoreText : 'Loading more',
noMoreRecordsText : 'loaded'
Please check sencha touch documentation for further info.