I'm creating a word document using c# and OpenXML. In the document I have several bulleted lists, My question is how to change the size of or remove the white space content between the bullet symbol and the paragraph?
Ok, I found it, I had to add LevelSuffix element into my Level element, Like this :
var a = new AbstractNum(
new Nsid() { Val = "FFFFFF80" }
, new MultiLevelType() { Val = MultiLevelValues.HybridMultilevel }
, new Level(
new LevelSuffix { Val = LevelSuffixValues.Space, },
new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Bullet },
new LevelText() { Val = "-" }
) { LevelIndex = 0 }
) { AbstractNumberId = abstarctnumberId };
I also found this page very useful.