I'm quite new to Rails and was wondering what option would be best with a system of rating for users:
user has_many reviews
Each review contains a rating.
In order to display reviews count and average rating, is it a better idea to add these columns to the user model and update them through after_save callbacks on the review model or simply define functions that will use COUNT and AVERAGE, but will hit the DB everytime?
Definitely better to add columns, especially if you're sorting on them or showing them in a list.
Agreed with the column definitions by @Halogen
I tend to put these in methods on after_save to make sure all objects are validly saved first.
after_save :set_reviews_average, set_reviews_count
# Note: update_column won't trigger callbacks
def set_reviews_average
update_column(:reviews_average, reviews.average(:rating))
def set_reviews_count
update_column(:reviews_count, reviews.count)