What are the possible values for the field 'WiFi Security Type' ? The documentation does not list possible values. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.html#EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_SECURITY_TYPE
I would like to have a list like:
WPA = "wpa"
WPA2 = "wpa2"
WPA2-personal = "wpa2personal"
WPA2-enterprise = "wpa2enterprise"
I'm not willing to try things out, like 'brute-forcing' what works and what does not work, as every time you try, you'll have to wipe and start over. Wasting at least 15 minutes.
As of Android 5.0.0_r1-5.1.0_r1, the acceptable fields are "NONE", "WPA", and "WEP". It appears that a null or empty value will resolve to "NONE" but I haven't confirmed.
The fields are directly mapped to a WifiConfig class in the ManagedProvisioning project (AOSP).
Note: The security type is defined directly in this class, instead of using constants from the WifiConfiguration class.
enum SecurityType {
And this is a snippet of the WifiConfig function (AOSP) showing how the security type is used:
* Adds a new WiFi network.
public int addNetwork(String ssid, boolean hidden, String type, String password,
String proxyHost, int proxyPort, String proxyBypassHosts, String pacUrl) {
if (!mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()) {
WifiConfiguration wifiConf = new WifiConfiguration();
SecurityType securityType;
if (type == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(type)) {
securityType = SecurityType.NONE;
} else {
securityType = Enum.valueOf(SecurityType.class, type.toUpperCase());
// If we have a password, and no security type, assume WPA.
// TODO: Remove this when the programmer supports it.
if (securityType.equals(SecurityType.NONE) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(password)) {
securityType = SecurityType.WPA;
wifiConf.SSID = ssid;
wifiConf.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
wifiConf.hiddenSSID = hidden;
switch (securityType) {
case NONE:
case WPA:
updateForWPAConfiguration(wifiConf, password);
case WEP:
updateForWEPConfiguration(wifiConf, password);
updateForProxy(wifiConf, proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyBypassHosts, pacUrl);
int netId = mWifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConf);
if (netId != -1) {
// Setting disableOthers to 'true' should trigger a connection attempt.
mWifiManager.enableNetwork(netId, true);
return netId;
Seems we're out of luck if we require credentials for an enterprise network. It's a bit baffling to me since the device owner feature is meant for MDM; connecting to enterprise networks is sometimes a requirement!