I would like to generate Arbitrary value for ordered tree-like structure whose type is, say
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
A function that inserts value into this tree while keeping it ordered would require that value should be Ord. But to generate ordered Trees for Arbitrary instance I would need to generate value in range "[low,hi]" and Ord is insufficient for that. So I also required that value is Enum since Enum allows getting values from given boundary. The choose
below also requires System.Random.Random:
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import System.Random
generateTree :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Enum a, Random a) => a -> a -> Gen (Tree a)
generateTree l u = do
genLeaf <- arbitrary
if genLeaf
then return Leaf
else do
x <- choose (l, u)
left <- generateTree l (pred x)
right <- generateTree (succ x) u
return $ Node left x right
So to use this for arbitrary
implementation I should require the same classes in Arbitrary class:
instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Enum a, Rand.Random a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary = do
l <- arbitrary
u <- arbitrary
generateTree l u
Here, while requirement Ord a => Tree a
is enough for data structure itself, I require (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Enum a, Rand.Random a) => Tree a
for it's generator. It looks like leaking implementation details into declaration - probably I look at this wrong way, I am learning Haskell. But still there are questions:
Arbitrary (Tree a)
along with one above that would have different set of requirements, something like Arbitrary (Tree Int)
that would be used for Int
s only?Since you want arbitrary ordered trees, there is no way to get rid of the Ord a
constraint in the Arbitrary (Tree a)
instance. However, you don't need Enum
or Random
(recall that Arbitrary
is doing random value generation - so naturally you shouldn't need Random as well).
Here is how I would implement the Arbitrary instance.
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck
arbitraryTree :: (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Gen (Tree a)
arbitraryTree = do
x <- arbitrary
y <- suchThat arbitrary (>= x)
go x y
go mn mx = frequency [(1, return Leaf), (1, arbNode)] where
arbNode = do
a <- suchThat arbitrary (\x -> x >= mn && x <= mx)
l <- go mn a
r <- go a mx
return (Node l a r)
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary = arbitraryTree
Note that you could make this more reliable by using suchThatMaybe
and supplying a default value if no suitable value in the range can be found within a certain amount of tries.
As for your second question, you can indeed have the following instances:
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
instance Arbitrary (Tree a)
instance Arbitrary (Tree Int)
and the compiler will select the Tree a
instance only if a
is not Int
. However, I would advise against this - if you are mainly interested in testing Tree Int
or even a small set of Tree
types, just have instances for those types - no general instance for Tree a
As an aside, the generator I gave above is not very good - it generates a Leaf
exactly half the time. In principle, I would like a generator for a type like this to always generate "medium" sized trees. A simple way to implement this is to have a high probability of generating a Node
initially, and decrease that probability steadily as the tree grows:
arbitraryTree :: (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Float -> Float -> Gen (Tree a)
arbitraryTree c' f = do
x <- arbitrary
y <- suchThat arbitrary (>= x)
go x y c'
go mn mx c = frequency [(1000-q, return Leaf), (q, arbNode)] where
q = round (1000 * c)
arbNode = do
a <- suchThat arbitrary (\x -> x >= mn && x <= mx)
l <- go mn a (c * f)
r <- go a mx (c * f)
return (Node l a r)
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary = arbitraryTree 0.9 0.9
You can play around with the parameters to arbitraryTree
to get trees that you like.