What is the correct way to send DateTime in UTC to a SNMPV2 event using SNMPSHARPNET ?
We have been using TimeTicks AsnType but have run into issues of data over 29 and half days.
This is the code for reference :
AsnType newMIBValue = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MIBValueString))
switch (DataType)
case MIBDataType.DateAndTime:
//newMIBValue = new TimeTicks(MIBValueString);
newMIBValue = ConvertDateTimeToOctetString(MIBValueString);
case MIBDataType.SnmpAdminString:
newMIBValue = new OctetString(MIBValueString);
case MIBDataType.TimeTicks:
newMIBValue = new TimeTicks(MIBValueString);
case MIBDataType.IPAddress:
newMIBValue = new IpAddress(MIBValueString);
case MIBDataType.Integer:
newMIBValue = new Integer32(MIBValueString);
A colleague of mine helped me put this code. Apparently we have send a byte array of hex values per SNMP specification.
private OctetString ConvertStringToOctetString(DateTime dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime)
var yearInString = dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Year.ToString("X");
byte[] bytesArray = ConvertToByteArray(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}",
dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Month.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0'),
dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Day.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0'),
dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Hour.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0'),
dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Minute.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0'),
dateTimeValueInUTCDateAndTime.Second.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0'),
return new OctetString(bytesArray);
public byte[] ConvertToByteArray(string value)
byte[] bytes = null;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
bytes = null;
int string_length = value.Length;
int character_index = (value.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.Ordinal)) ? 2 : 0; // Does the string define leading HEX indicator '0x'. Adjust starting index accordingly.
int number_of_characters = string_length - character_index;
bool add_leading_zero = false;
if (0 != (number_of_characters % 2))
add_leading_zero = true;
number_of_characters += 1; // Leading '0' has been striped from the string presentation.
bytes = new byte[number_of_characters / 2]; // Initialize our byte array to hold the converted string.
int write_index = 0;
if (add_leading_zero)
bytes[write_index++] = FromCharacterToByte(value[character_index], character_index);
character_index += 1;
for (int read_index = character_index; read_index < value.Length; read_index += 2)
byte upper = FromCharacterToByte(value[read_index], read_index, 4);
byte lower = FromCharacterToByte(value[read_index + 1], read_index + 1);
bytes[write_index++] = (byte)(upper | lower);
return bytes;
private byte FromCharacterToByte(char character, int index, int shift = 0)
byte value = (byte)character;
if (((0x40 < value) && (0x47 > value)) || ((0x60 < value) && (0x67 > value)))
if (0x40 == (0x40 & value))
if (0x20 == (0x20 & value))
value = (byte)(((value + 0xA) - 0x61) << shift);
value = (byte)(((value + 0xA) - 0x41) << shift);
else if ((0x29 < value) && (0x40 > value))
value = (byte)((value - 0x30) << shift);
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Character '{0}' at index '{1}' is not valid alphanumeric character.", character, index));
return value;