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iOS Swift MapKit will not reload

I have a MapKit View on my storyboard - set to hidden. With the following code I can unhide it from view using a button(1) click and it loads perfectly. Another button(2) click will hide the map. The issue is reloading the map. How do I reload the map with button(1). Currently, the map will not show again.

Here is the entire code to load the map:

@IBAction func ButtonOne(sender: UIButton) {

}//End Button(1)

@IBAction func ButtonTwo(sender: UIButton) {
    self.mapView.hidden = true

}//End Button(2)

func myMap() {
    let userLocation = self.mapView.userLocation

    let region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(
        userLocation.location.coordinate, 2000, 2000)

    self.mapView.hidden = false
    self.mapView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: screenSize.width, height: screenSize.height * 0.75)
    self.mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)


  • I am just going to use 'exit(1)' when disconnecting/hiding then map when the call ends. BTT the user will really have no use for still being able to use the app.