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How to merge two dataframes using multiple columns as key?

Say I have the following dataframes:

DF1 <- data.frame("A" = rep(c("A","B"), 18),
                  "B" = rep(c("C","D","E"), 12),
                  "NUM"= rep(rnorm(36,10,1)),
                  "TEST" = rep(NA,36))

DF2 <- data.frame("A" = rep("A",6),
                  "B" = rep(c("C","D"),6),
                  "VAL" = rep(c(1,3),3))

*Note: Each unique combination of variables A and B in DF2 should have a unique VAL.

For each row, I would like to replace the NA in TEST with the corresponding value of VAL in DF1 if the values in columns A and A match and the values in columns B and B match for that row. Otherwise, I'd leave TEST as NA. How would I do this without looping through each combination using match?

Ideally, an answer would scale to two data frames with many columns to match upon.


  • As Akrun mentioned in comments, your lookup table (DF2) needs to be reduced to just its unique A/B combinations. For your current dataframe, this isn't a problem, but you will need additional rules if there are multiple possible values for the same combination. From there, the solution is easy:

    DF2.u <- unique(DF2)
    DF3 <- merge(DF1, DF2.u, all = T)

    Note that this will produce a new dataframe with an empty TEST column (all values NA), and a VAL column assigned from DF2. To do exactly what you wanted (replace TEST with VAL where possible), here is some slightly clunkier code:

    DF1$TEST <- merge(DF1, DF2.u, all = T)$VAL

    EDIT: in response to your question, you can boil down DF2 if necessary quite simple:

    DF2$C <- c(1:12) #now unique() won't work
    DF2.u <- unique(DF2[1:3])
     A B VAL
    1 A C   1
    2 A D   3