Search code examples

getNodeText() does not return text for object manager search tree

I see the following search tree in SAP GUI:

SAP object manager search tree

I'm trying to verify the contents of that tree, mainly I want to get the text that is displayed for the nodes. I'm using getNodeText() [MicroFocus] to get the text of the node, but it returns an empty string for all nodes.

As an alternative, I tried getItemText() [MicroFocus] with "HierarchyHeader" as the itemName parameter. Still no luck.

So from Silk4J point of view, the tree looks like this, which makes it impossible to identify the nodes:

SAP object manager search tree from Silk4J

I even tried to identify nodes using the icon returned by getNodeAbapImage() [MicroFocus], but this also returns an empty string.

For now I don't have any chance to identify the nodes in the search tree. Is there a way to get the node text? A workaround is also acceptable.

I am using Silk4J 15.5 Hotfix 5 (


  • I used the SAP script recorder to see what script it generates when I click some nodes and the following was recorded:

    session.findById("wnd[0]/...").selectItem "          2","&Hierarchy"

    Then I tried to use "&Hierachy" instead of "HierarchyHeader" in getItemText()and it worked.

    Next, I figured out where the text "&Hierarchy" comes from so that I don't have a hard-coded magic constant. I found that it is getColumnNames().get(0). Since the tree type is COLUMN with only one column displayed, the index should always be 0.

    Since getNodeText() works for some other trees in SAP, I have implemented the following fallback strategy:

    public String getNodeText(String nodeKey)
        String nodeText = tree.getNodeText(nodeKey);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeText))
            nodeText = getItemText(nodeKey, tree.getColumnNames().get(0));
        return nodeText;