I'm trying to grab data from an AS400 screen & populate an email using that data but seem to have bumped into something I'm struggling to overcome. Here's a slice of what I have so far:
Dim polNo
polNo = GetText(10,18,10)
Dim wsh
Set wsh=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sub subSub1_()
// Just doing this to check the text I have
// Sent the eMail with the text
wsh.Run "mailto:testing@somemailbox.com?Subject=" & polNo
end sub
With the above, the resulting email subject line takes only the first word upto the first space. From what I've found, this is a parsing issue & have discovered the following line that should help.
polNo = Chr(34) + Replace(polNo,chr(34),chr(34)&chr(34))
The above line places all of the text in quotes (I know this because my SendKeys line now shows the GetText result with a " at the start.
The issue is when I reach the mailto line as Outlook pops up a window saying:
"The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using."
My end result will be an email that has a subject & a body with text taken from various parts of the screen.
Solved: Thanks to dmc below, he started me on the right line.
However, the solution was not to use Chr(34) but to use something as simple as:
polNo = Replace(polNo," ","20%")
Although it might not look like it, you're constructing a URL. As such, the contents of that URL must be URL Encoded. Certain characters can't be included in a URL, including a space. Those characters are represented with a percent sign followed by the ASCII code of the character in hexadecimal. For example, a space is changed to %20
See the link below for a VBScript routine that will URL encode and decode strings. http://www.justskins.com/forums/wsh-equivalent-of-server-38778.html
Edit: Although this is commonly known as URL encoding, the thing you're constructing is technically a URI. Wikipedia has a good page that explains further.