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How to visualise a SQL Server view using powerView in Excel?

I'm new to data visualisation and powerview etc. but I have the following view in SQL Server:

--This view displays any delivery that was late and by how many days
CREATE VIEW [Display Late Deliveries]
--Wrapped into subquery to allow the filter of virtual column NumOfDaysLate
SELECT * from (

SELECT dbo.tblPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderID, dbo.tblPurchaseOrder.SupplierID, 
    DATEADD(D, dbo.tblPurchaseOrder.LeadTimeDays, dbo.tblPurchaseOrder.DateOfOrder) 
AS ExpectedDelivery, dbo.tblPurchaseInvoice.GoodsReceived,
    DATEDIFF(D, ExpectedDelivery, GoodsReceived) 
AS NumOfDaysLate

FROM   dbo.tblPurchaseOrder LEFT OUTER JOIN
         dbo.tblPurchaseInvoice ON dbo.tblPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderID = dbo.tblPurchaseInvoice.PurchaseOrderID
) x
WHERE x.NumOfDaysLate > 0

In powerview I can only seem to select tables to use and nothing else, is there a way to display this view possibly using DAX if so how would I go about it or is there another way to visualise this?


  • Ok so I found the problem, I imported the data source before I created the view but when refreshing the data in excel it was only updating the tables I chose to import. I imported again and it gave the option to include the view when you choose what tables to use.