I am working with RactiveJS and I have a problem when work with arrays, This is my initial configuration:
JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/18fccpnj/
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'container',
template: '#template',
// Here, we're passing in some initial data
data: { students: [
{name: "Miguel Crespo", note: 5}
And I have a button on my html that fire an event
<button on-click="charge">Cargar otro</button>
This is the event handle:
ractive.on("charge", function(){
ractive.set("students", [
{name: "Miguel Crespo", note: 5},
{name: "Pedro Perez", note: 3}
This call never update the view and I do not know why, because in the official page an example like this works!
I appreciate your help.
Using static delimiters for the block [[#each students:num]]
is declaring that it will not be updated after initial render. Change them to {{#each students:num}}
and it works fine (see http://jsfiddle.net/18fccpnj/4/).
There's also no need to reset the data on the entire array, you can just push the new member:
ractive.push("students", {name: "Pedro Perez", note: 3});