The goal I am going for is to store values into a text file, and then populate an array from reading a text file.
At the moment, I store values into a text file;
Pentagon.CalculateVertices();//caculates the vertices of a pentagon
ofstream myfile;"vertices.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
myfile << IntToString(Pentagon.v[i].x) + IntToString(Pentagon.v[i].y) + "\n";
I have stored the values into this text file, now I want to populate an array from the text file created;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
Pentagon.v[i].x = //read from text file
Pentagon.v[i].y = //read from text file
this is all I have for now; can someone tell me how you can achieve what the code says.
You don't need to convert int
to std::string
nor char*
myfile << Pentagon.v[i].x << Pentagon.v[i].y << "\n";
// this will add a space between x and y coordinates
Read like this:
myfile >> Pentagon.v[i].x >> Pentagon.v[i].y;
and >>
operators are the basics of streams, how come you haven't come across it?
You could also have a custom format, like [x ; y]
(spaces can be omitted).
myfile << "[" << Pentagon.v[i].x << ";" << Pentagon.v[i].y << "]\n";
char left_bracket, separator, right_bracket;
myfile >> left_bracket >> Pentagon.v[i].x >> separator << Pentagon.v[i].y >> right_bracket;
// you can check whether the input has the required formatting
// (simpler for single-character separators)
if(left_bracket != '[' || separator != ';' || right_bracket != ']')
// error