Why is <%= raw averaged.tag_list.map { |t| link_to t.titleize, tagquantifieds_path(t) }.join(', ') %>
's font color staying black instead of changing like the rest of <%= %>
How can we fix this? I'm sure its a simple answer I just couldn't find it on the web.
<div class="stats">
<% @averaged_quantifieds.each do |averaged| %>
<% averaged.results.each do |result| %>
<% if result.good == true %>
<div class="green">
<%= averaged.results.first.date_value.strftime("%b") %>:
<%= raw averaged.tag_list.map { |t| link_to t.titleize, tagquantifieds_path(t) }.join(', ') %>
<%= averaged.results.first.result_value %>
<%= averaged.metric %>
<% else %>
<div class="red">
<%= averaged.results.first.date_value.strftime("%b") %>:
<%= raw averaged.tag_list.map { |t| link_to t.titleize, tagquantifieds_path(t) }.join(', ') %>
<%= averaged.results.first.result_value %>
<%= averaged.metric %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Thanks for your help!
Because link_to is not styling, do this:
for red:
<%= raw averaged.tag_list.map { |t| link_to t.titleize, tagquantifieds_path(t), {:style=>'color:red;'} }.join(', ') %>
for green:
<%= raw averaged.tag_list.map { |t| link_to t.titleize, tagquantifieds_path(t), {:style=>'color:green;'} }.join(', ') %>