Search code examples

How can I reverse-sort a list in Red?

I've been playing with Red, and I figured out how to sort a list:

--== Red 0.5.1 ==-- 
Type HELP for starting information. 

red>> list: [1 9 6 8]
== [1 9 6 8]
red>> sort list
== [1 6 8 9]

I'd like to sort this list backwards. How can I do this? I've tried various combinations:

red>> sort !list 
*** Script error: !list has no value
*** Where: sort
red>> !sort list
*** Script error: !sort has no value
*** Where: try
red>> sort reverse list
== [1 6 8 9]
red>> sort list reverse
*** Script error: reverse is missing its series argument
*** Where: reverse


  • SORT has a /reverse refinement, which enables you to achieve what you want:

    red>> sort/reverse [1 9 6 8]
    == [9 8 6 1]

    Also be aware that SORT modifies its argument.

    You can find out more about how SORT (or any other function) works, by using the integrated help system:

    red>> help sort
        sort series  /case  /skip  size  /compare  comparator  /part  length  /all  /reverse  /stable
         Sorts a series (modified); default sort order is ascending. 
         sort is of type: action!
         series  [series!]
         /case => Perform a case-sensitive sort.
         /skip => Treat the series as fixed size records.
             size  [integer!]
         /compare => Comparator offset, block or function.
             comparator  [integer! block! any-function!]
         /part => Sort only part of a series.
             length  [number! series!]
         /all => Compare all fields.
         /reverse => Reverse sort order.
         /stable => Stable sorting.