I'm new in objective-c. Need to make a button link, which will open in a new window. To do this I need to do IBAction to create a new window. This add WebView :
- (ERBrowser *)addWebView:(NSURL *)url{
for (NSView *view in browserViews)
[view setHidden:true];
ERTabModel *newModel = [[ERTabModel alloc] init];
NSTabViewItem *newItem = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:newModel];
[tabView addTabViewItem:newItem];
[tabView selectTabViewItem:newItem];
ERBrowser *browserView = [[ERBrowser alloc] initWithFrame:mainView.frame];
[browserView setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
[mainView addSubview:browserView];
[browserViews addObject:browserView];
[browserView setUIDelegate:self];
[browserView setFrameLoadDelegate:self];
if (url)
[[browserView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]];
return browserView;
This link for button :
- (IBAction)bookmarkButton:(NSButton*)sender
ERBrowser *browserView = [browserViews objectAtIndex:[tabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tabView selectedTabViewItem]]];
[[browserView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[sender alternateTitle]]]];
[self addNewTab:(id)];
And this IBAction add new tab :
- (IBAction)addNewTab:(id)sender {
[self addWebView:(NSURL *)];
I can not understand that as a cause addWebView [self addWebView:(NSURL *)];
And how to add addNewTab [self addNewTab:(id)];
Please explain how to do it?
The syntax (type)
, e.g. (NSURL *)
, in a method declaration defines the type of a parameter, e.g.:
- (ERBrowser *)addWebView:(NSURL *)url
declares a method addWebView:
, which takes a single parameter of type NSURL *
, and within that method the parameter is referred to using the name url
Within an expression the syntax (type)
is a cast operation, an operation which changes the static type of its sub-expression. For example:
takes the integer expression 3
and casts it to a double
In your method call:
[self addWebView:(NSURL *)];
you are calling addWebView:
and passing it as argument the result of the expression:
which is half of a cast expression - you've provided no value to cast. Hence the error.
What you need is a value of type NSURL *
to pass to addWebView:
, from your code this value will be the URL of the page you wish to load. You have to decide where you obtain this from.