Is it possible to display XSLT report inside mail body using Email-ext plugin in Jenkins.
i have configured the Content Type to HTML and placed the following to the body:
When email is send i get nothing and on the console output, there's no error
token "Includes the content of a specified file (path) relative to the workspace root." not relative to the Maven project's base dir.
I experienced the following with Jenkins v1.595 and Email Ext. Plugin v2.39:
→ prints content of file in message ${FILE,path="not_existing_file"}
→ prints
"ERROR: File 'not_existing_file' does not exist" in message${FILE,path="path/with/sub/dirs/to/existing_file"}
→ prints content of file in message${FILE,path="XML_file_including_tags_unknown_to_HTML.xml"}
→ seems to print nothing in an e-mail client that renders HTML in messages, like Outlook. Content can be seen in the messages' source, however.