I need to submit a post on the server side of Meteor application. The post is submitted okay, but router is not routing to 'problemPage' and it throws an error saying - Exception in delivering result of invoking 'insertProblem': Error: Missing required parameters on path "/problems/:_id". The missing params are: ["_id"]. The params object passed in was: {}. What am I doing wrong ?
'submit form':function(event) {
var post = {
postProblem: $(event.target).find('[name=problem]').val(),
postWhy1: $(event.target).find('[name=why1]').val(),
postWhy2: $(event.target).find('[name=why2]').val(),
postWhy3: $(event.target).find('[name=why3]').val(),
postWhy4: $(event.target).find('[name=why4]').val(),
postWhy5: $(event.target).find('[name=why5]').val(),
submitdate: new Date()
Meteor.call('insertProblem', post, function(result) {
Router.go('problemPage', {_id: result._id});
Problems = new Meteor.Collection("problems");
insertProblem: function(post) {
var postId = Posts.insert(post);
return {
_id: postId
and the router of course :
// redirect to the current submitted problem
Router.route('problems/:_id', {
name: 'problemPage',
data: function() { return Problems.findOne(this.params._id);
The router.go
should work like this.
Router.go('problemPage', result._id);
but the error its complaining about getting an empty object, so lets do this, change the meteor.call
to this.
Meteor.call('insertProblem', post, function(error,result) {
Router.go('problemPage' + result._id); //it may work to with the + operator