I have the following objective C code which I need to get into a Swift class :
In Logger.m -
+ (Logger *) log
static Logger *sharedLog = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedLogger = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedLogger;
- (void) printString:(NSString *) s
Which is in Logger.h as -
+ (Logger *) log;
- (void) printString:(NSString *) s;
Now, I have this code bridged in to Swift Project - LoggerUserApp where I'm trying to use the above print method from the singleton log
shared class method.
I've tried -
Logger.log().printString("String") // Compiler Error. Use Object Construction Logger()
Logger().log().printString("String") // Compiler Error.
Logger().log.printString("String") // Compiler Error.
Logger.printString("String") // This does not call log
Can someone tell me what might be going wrong?
In the Swift update, if the class method's name is similar to the class name, then it just takes that as a custom initializer. Now since there was no parameter in the method, it wouldn't come up as the default initializer would come up instead.
Hence, to solve this problem, I had to change the name of the class method log
to something different like newLog
... and it worked fine.