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edit the output of jdoc:include type=head via renderer/head.php alter

I would like to order nicely the head section of a joomla site. After search of the forums I have come across this one

There a nice suggestion is to copy the /renderer/head.php file into the template folder and alter it to current needs.

They suggest

Blockquote The render function in head.php not uses the $name var, so it`s fine to use to separate the js and metatags with css files and use the jdoc statement like this:

jdoc:include type="head" name="head"  <-- will include all exept js (into
                                          the head section)
jdoc:include type="head" name="foot" <-- for the js (before body tag closes)


But I simply have no idea how to implement this.

HAve someone experience with editing head.php in Joomla? I would appreciate any help.


  • I investigated a little bit about it and it seems a little bit hacky to do it.

    This solution is currently working on Joomla 3.*.

    First of all you have to modify /librabies/joomla/document/document.php. Once you are in there update the function loadRenderer() from this:

    public function loadRenderer($type)
        $class = 'JDocumentRenderer' . $type;   
        if (!class_exists($class))
            $path = __DIR__ . '/' . $this->_type . '/renderer/' . $type . '.php';
            if (file_exists($path))
                require_once $path;
                throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load renderer class', 500);
        if (!class_exists($class))
            return null;
        $instance = new $class($this);
        return $instance;

    To this :

    public function loadRenderer($type)
        $class = 'JDocumentRenderer' . $type;   
        if (!class_exists($class))
            $path = __DIR__ . '/' . $this->_type . '/renderer/' . $type . '.php';
            $app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
            $path_custom = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $app->getTemplate() .'/html/renderer/' . $type . '.php';
            if (file_exists($path_custom))
                require_once $path_custom;
            elseif (file_exists($path))
                require_once $path;
                throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load renderer class', 500);
        if (!class_exists($class))
            return null;
        $instance = new $class($this);
        return $instance;

    Actually the new code is looking for a render file in your template directory.

    Now you are allow to copy libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php to templates/TEMPLATE_NAME/html/renderer/head.php and modify it.

    If you want to use those :

    <jdoc:include type="head" name="head" />
    <jdoc:include type="head" name="foot" />

    Update templates/TEMPLATE_NAME/html/renderer/head.php to this version here.