I am new to objective-c. I can not understand how to do, when you start the program automatically inserts the last name that was saved in NSTextFiel and NSSecureTextField. I save the user name and password :
- (void)saveLoginPass {
if ([checkBox state]==NSOnState) {
[SSKeychain setPassword:self.passwordField.stringValue forService:@"ERClient" account:self.loginField.stringValue];
NSLog(@"Login/pass save");
else if([checkBox state]==NSOffState){
NSLog(@"Don't save login/pass");
[manager POST:URLString parameters:parameter success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject){
if ([operation.responseString rangeOfString:@"mainBody"].location == NSNotFound) {
alertFild.stringValue=@"Login or pass false";
NSLog(@"Login or pass false");
NSLog(@"responseObject: %@", responseObject);
NSLog(@"operation.responseString: %@",operation.responseString);
NSLog(@"operation.response: %@",operation.response);
} else {
browserWindowController = [[ERBrowserWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"ERBrowserWindowController"];
[browserWindowController showWindow:self];
[browserWindowController addDefaultTabs];
[self saveLoginPass];
[loginWindow close];
I checked in Keychain successfully stored data. How make implementation insert the final login and password when loading the program?
I guess you can just retrieve the username and password in the standard way.
NSDictionary *credentials = [SSKeychain accountsForService:@"ERClient"].firstObject;
if (!credentials) {
return; // leave fields empty
NSString *accountName = credentialsDictionary[kSSKeychainAccountKey];
NSString *password = [SSKeychain passwordForService:@"ERClient" account:accountName];
// populate fields