I want to make a carousel that's linear WITH wrap enabled (so you can scroll indefinitely in either direction and it'll just wrap around) They have a CarouselType.Linear, but it isn't wrap enabled. Anyone know of how to do this with either iCarousel or UICollectionViews? I can't find any good resources on how to make a Custom iCarousel layout... Any good references there?
this.Carousel = new CarouselView(frame)
DataSource = new CylindericalDataSource(this),
Delegate = new CylindericalDelegate(this)
this.Carousel.CarouselType = CarouselType.Linear;
To answer @Rahul's question
public override void DidScroll (CarouselView carouselView)
base.DidScroll (carouselView);
nint numOfItems = carouselView.NumberOfItems;
if (this._parentController != null &&
this._parentController._studioViewController != null &&
this._parentController._studioViewController.SuccessfullyReceivedProjectAndPageData () &&
this._parentController._studioViewController.HasFlowCardCarouselFinishedLoading () &&
numOfItems > 0)
// Enforce min and max values fro ScrollOffset so the user can't scroll the carousel off screen. This is required when wrapping is turned off.
nfloat maxScrollOffset = ((nfloat)numOfItems) - 1f;
nfloat minScrollOffset = 0f;
if (carouselView.ScrollOffset < minScrollOffset)
carouselView.ScrollOffset = minScrollOffset;
if (carouselView.ScrollOffset > maxScrollOffset)
carouselView.ScrollOffset = maxScrollOffset;
Figured it out. Override the ValueForOption method and force the CarouseOption.Wrap to be equal to 1.0f. See below
// Class: CylindericalDelegate
public class CylindericalDelegate : CarouselViewDelegate
// Constructors
public CylindericalDelegate()
// CylindericalDelegate Implementation
public override nfloat ValueForOption(CarouselView carousel, CarouselOption option, nfloat aValue)
if (option == CarouselOption.Spacing)
return aValue * 1.1f;
if (option == CarouselOption.Wrap)
return 1.0f;
return aValue;