I've been trying to use Xcopy to download files from the internet but so far no luck. I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what i'm doing wrong. Here is my code:
cd C:\AirlineSim\
echo Checking for Updates
xcopy /Y "http://interversesoftware.weebly.com/uploads/4/8/5/8/48585729/aspatcher.bat"
if /i not exist "ASpatcher.bat" (echo Could not retrieve update file.) && pause
if exist "ASpatcher.bat" call "ASpatcher.bat"
if exist "ASpatcher.bat" del "ASpatcher.bat"
goto menu
My Idea is that my file is for some reason blocked by Weebly so the program can't access it but that's all I can think of
You can't use xcopy to download a file from a http location. You could use wget for this. You can download wget for Windows from here:
This website gives you some examples how to use it: