The title is what I'm trying to achieve.
In Automator, I've tried to simply record the actions of opening a new desktop, and then opening the apps in it -- but I get the
The action 'Watch Me Do' encountered an error. Check the actionʼs properties and try running the workflow again
Furthermore, if I do it in this way, the action that is recorded is "Click the Desktop 4 button".
Similarly, I googled and found Applescripts that create specific Desktops (e.g. Desktop 3) but I always have a different amount of Desktops open. So I want the Workflow to simply make a new Desktop regardless of the amount I have open already. Moreover, many of the Applescripts I do find are geared towards Mavericks which still had Spaces and I've got Yosemite.
I can figure out how to make the script open Calendar and Reminders, so the main issue is how to have it open or create a new Desktop.
Took a while but I came up with this. Works on Mavericks.
on run {input, parameters}
my openNewSpace()
my launchApplication("Reminders")
my launchApplication("Calendar")
end run
on openNewSpace()
tell application "System Events"
--mission control starten
do shell script "/Applications/Mission\\\\ Control"
tell process "Dock"
set countSpaces to count buttons of list 1 of group 1
--new space
click button 1 of group 1
--switch to new space
repeat until (count buttons of list 1 of group 1) = (countSpaces + 1)
end repeat
click button (countSpaces + 1) of list 1 of group 1
end tell
end tell
end openNewSpace
on launchApplication(app_name)
tell application app_name
end tell
end launchApplication