I have a dataset that kind of looks like this:
1 T1 10 0 10
2 T2 0 0 20
3 T3 10 10 40
4 T4 0 30 10
5 T5 0 10 0
I can melt down the data with reshape2 and throw it in the VennDiagram package to visualize the intersections of the dataset. But. I can only visualize counts (not sum totals).
VennDiagram will only recognize T1 as a "1" XZ intersection. I want the package to count "20". And for T3 it shouldn't be just "1" count of XYZ, I want it to sum to "60".
VennDiagram manual: cran.r.project.org
Thanks in advance!
The output should look something like this... Where the nrows will sum the totals together
(This current output will just grab the counts)
draw.triple.venn(area1 = nrow(subset(accounts, X > 1)),
area2 = nrow(subset(accounts, Y > 1)),
area3 = nrow(subset(accounts, Z > 1)),
n12 = nrow(subset(accounts, X > 1 & Y > 1)),
n23 = nrow(subset(accounts, Y > 1 & Z > 1)),
n13 = nrow(subset(accounts, X > 1 & Z > 1)),
n123 = nrow(subset(accounts, X > 1 & Y > 1 & Z > 1)),
category = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
lty = "blank",
fill = c("pink1","mediumorchid","skyblue"))
The library(VennDiagram)
package doesn't behave as you might expect it to behave.
You might have a table:
A1 A2 Overlap
1 1 2
And you want the two venn diagram to reflect 1
in the left circle, 1
in the right circle and 2
in the overlap.
Running this code:
draw.pairwise.venn(area1 = 1,
area2 = 1,
cross.area = 2)
Will yield:
Error in draw.pairwise.venn(area1 = 1, area2 = 1, cross.area = 2) :
Impossible: cross section area too large.
So we have to cheat the venn diagram library by adding the overlap to each area. That way we will get the desired: 1;2;1.
draw.pairwise.venn(area1 = 1 + 2,
area2 = 1 + 2,
cross.area = 2)