getaudio.php version 1
$youtubeUrl = $_GET['url'];
$content = shell_exec("youtube-dl -j $youtubeUrl ");
$file= $meta->{'_filename'};
$fileWithoutExtension = explode(".",$file)[0];
$extension = ".m4a";
$file = $fileWithoutExtension . $extension;
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file\"" );
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
passthru("youtube-dl -f 140 -o - $youtubeUrl");
getaudio.php version 2
$youtubeUrl = $_GET['url'];
$file = shell_exec("youtube-dl -f 140 --get-filename $youtubeUrl ");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file\"" );
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
passthru("youtube-dl -f 140 -o - $youtubeUrl");
if url = then we get $file = Deewana Kar Raha Hai Full Song 1080p HD Raaz 3 2012 YouTube-bvYtKY-UMxA.m4a
my question is getaudio.php version 1 is working fine but getaudio.php version 2 isn't....
getaudio.php version 2 is downloading but the file is coruppted....
when $file is same for both php files then how is it possible that the second one is not working
HINT: download youtube-dl.exe(for windows) & place it with the two php files & run in localhost
$youtubeUrl = "";
$content = shell_exec("youtube-dl -j $youtubeUrl ");
$file= $meta->{'_filename'};
$fileWithoutExtension = explode(".",$file)[0];
$extension = ".m4a";
$file1 = $fileWithoutExtension . $extension;
$file2 = shell_exec("youtube-dl -f 140 --get-filename $youtubeUrl ");
echo $file1,"NO SPACE HERE";
echo "<br>";
// have extra space at the end
echo $file2,"SPACE HERE";
echo "<br>";
echo "length of \$file1 is :".strlen($file1); // 77
echo "<br>";
echo "length of \$file2 is :".strlen($file2); // 78
Deewana Kar Raha Hai Full Song 1080p HD Raaz 3 2012 YouTube-bvYtKY-UMxA.m4a---NO SPACE HERE
Deewana Kar Raha Hai Full Song 1080p HD Raaz 3 2012 YouTube-bvYtKY-UMxA.m4a ---SPACE HERE
length of $file1 is :77
length of $file2 is :78
See that there is no whitespace after .m4a for $file1 but for $file2 there is a whitespace after .m4a.
that makes them two different string
SOLUTION: Use trim() function on $file in getaudio.php version 2
$file = trim($file);