I have a list of items: List<SomeObject> items
that is mapped to an adapter to show on a ListView. When I set a new field for a specific item in that list and call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()
then list doesn't update. For example, I want to show a date TextView in a specific row in the ListView by setting
The view doesn't show until I scroll away from that row and back to it (I'm assuming because of recycling).
Doing list.setAdapter(adapter);
works but the entire view flashes and there shouldn't be a reason to re-set the adapter.
How can I get the list to update without scrolling?
You could try to change the List that is referenced in the adapter. Add something like this to your adapter:
public void updateData(List<SomeObject> dataItems) {
this.mDataItems = dataItems;
And then: