I'd like to display the 10 most recently added directories, for instance with:
ls -tlh | head -20
However, I'd also like to include directory size with with du. But I can't seem to figure out how to get the size of only the 10 most recent additions - querying all dirs would take far too long.
du --max-depth=1 | head -20
..doesn't seem to work. So I'm looking for a way to display both date modified and directory size of the 10 most recently modified dirs. Is this possible?
This will print the directory size of the 10 most recently modified dirs:
for dir in $(ls -t -c1 | head -20); do
echo $(du -sh $dir 2>/dev/null)
As a one liner:
for dir in $(ls -t -c1 | head -20); do echo $(du -sh $dir 2>/dev/null) ; done