I recently found out that my links stored in the database do not open in new tabs (no target="_blank"
). I made this script that adds it in.
My problem is that if the Preamble
column has multiple links, only the first one will be updated with target="_blank"
, how can I run this for all links in the column?
STUFF(Preamble, CHARINDEX('>', Preamble, PATINDEX('%<a href%', Preamble)) - 1, 1, '" target="_blank"')
Preamble LIKE '%<a href%'
The Preamble column contains other HTML markup and other text.
So for some reason I was trying to add the target="_blank"
to the end of the anchor tag, instead I can just add it to the start.
A simple REPLACE(Preamble, '%<a href%', '<a target="_blank" href')
will hit all occurrences in a row and solve my problem. - Thanks Allan S. Hansen
Try with REPLACE
DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = '<a href="some1"><a href="some2">'
SELECT REPLACE(@s, '>', ' target="_blank">') AS Link
<a href="some1" target="_blank"><a href="some2" target="_blank">
Apply to your statement:
SELECT REPLACE(Preamble, '>', ' target="_blank">')
FROM QuestionContainer
WHERE Preamble like '%<a href%'
EDIT, according to @Allan comment:
DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = '<a href="some1"></a><a href="some2"></a>'
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(@s, '>', ' target="_blank">'), '</a target="_blank">', '</a>') AS Link
EDIT 2: if you have different type of tags then it makes sense to put replacement string in the beginnning:
DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(MAX) = '<a href="some1"></a><a href="some2"></a><b>'
SELECT REPLACE(@s, '<a ', '<a target="_blank" ') AS Link
<a target="_blank" href="some1"></a><a target="_blank" href="some2"></a><b>