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Grails GORM : Find All with Associations

I'm trying to get all Users in a certain age range. I have a User table and a Profile table for each User.

Minimal User Domain Class:

class User {

  static hasOne = [profile: Profile]


Minimal Profile Domain Class:

class Profile {

  static belongsTo = [user: User]

  Integer age

  static constraints = {
    age(range: 18 .. 150)


Minimal UserService Domain Class:

class UserService {

  def list() {

    def users = User.findAll{
      gender in whichGenderList
      profile.age in 18 .. 150 /* Problem */


On the line with Problem I'm getting the following exception in browser:

URI /foo/browse
Class org.hibernate.QueryException
Message could not resolve property: profile_alias0 of: foo.Profile

Question: In UserService how can I select from each User's Profile table its age?

I'm using:

  • Grails 2.4.4



  • use criteria query like this:

     def users = User.createCriteria().list(){
         inList('gender', whichGenderList)
              inList('age', 18 .. 150)