In my app i get the song iTunes link. When I tried to open that link in iOS 8 parentheses are adding to the keywords. ex: If I pass the "" ... then its opening the safari then iTunes and then in iTunes Parentheses are adding to the key workds. i.e the query becomes ( "I Will Follow Chris Tomlin" )... and in iOS 7 its not adding any parentheses and opening the iTunes for specified song details..
I have tried with changing http with itms still no luck... my code
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
Finally i have found a solution with the help of following link...
iOS open iTunes music search with given keywords from app
To be short & precise ... We have to replace the "MZSearch" word in the url with "MZStore" that's all. It is working fine in iOS 7 & 8.