I am trying to use CPP and SDL_Net to make a HTTP Client. I'm using a char [] buffer to send and receive information.
Basically, I connect to the site mentioned below on port 80:
strcpy(buffer,"GET / HTTP/1.0 \n host: nullfakenothing.freeriderwebhosting.com \n \n");
SDLNet_TCP_Send(sd, (void *)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1);
SDLNet_TCP_Recv(sd, (void *)buffer, 200)>0
But I can't get anything back (the program gets stuck on Recv). Am I using the protocol wrong or is there something against the whole TCP/HTML system?
Your HTTP protocol has spurious spaces and should have \r\n terminators. This is untested but the HTTP should be okay. You may want to add other headers.
char buffer[1024];
std::strcpy(buffer, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n");
std::strcat(buffer, "Host: nullfakenothing.freeriderwebhosting.com\r\n");
std::strcat(buffer, "\r\n");
SDLNet_TCP_Send(sd, (void*) buffer, strlen(buffer));
SDLNet_TCP_Recv(sd, (void*) buffer, sizeof(buffer));