I can use this to get all attributes from nsattributed string.
- (void)enumerateAttribute:(NSString *)attrName inRange:(NSRange)enumerationRange options:(NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions)opts usingBlock:(void (^)(id value, NSRange range, BOOL *stop))block NS_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0);
May I know it is possible to get on main thread instead of block as in enumerateAttribute?
This is not an asynchronous operation actually. The usingBlock
is simply called synchronously as part of the call to enumerateAttribute:
and on the same thread where you made that call. See the usingBlock:
as an alternative for a for
loop that execute.
If you are not on the main thread then you can use something like this to ensure that:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[string enumerateAttribute: ... usingBlock: ^{
// Code here