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MATLAB randomly permuting columns differently

I have a very large matrix A with N rows and M columns. I want to basically do the following operation

for k = 1:N
    A(k,:) = A(k,randperm(M));

but fast and efficiently. (Both M and N are very large, and this is only an inner loop in a more massive outer loop.)

More context: I am trying to implement a permutation test for a correlation matrix ( My data is very large and I am very impatient. If anyone knows of a fast way to implement such a test, I would also be grateful to hear your input!

Do I have any hope of avoiding doing this in a loop?

Apologies if this has already been asked. Thanks!


  • If you type open randperm (at least in Matlab R2010b) you'll see that its output p for an input M is just

    [~, p] = sort(rand(1,M));

    So, to vectorize this for N rows,

    [~, P] = sort(rand(N,M), 2);

    Thus, generate P and use linear indexing into A:

    [~, P] = sort(rand(N,M), 2);
    A = A(bsxfun(@plus, (1:N).', (P-1)*N));

    Example: given

    N = 3;
    M = 4;
    A = [ 1     2     3     4
          5     6     7     8
          9    10    11    12 ];

    one (random) result is

    A =
         2     3     1     4
         7     5     8     6
         9    11    12    10