I don't understand how the X12 data type R works. I have a 4010 x12 210 schema with a L102 field that accepts X12_R (SimpleType).
What do I tell customers this field accepts?
I thought it would be an R2 but if they send the value 0.10, it will error out. Biztalk will accept values like .10 or 65.10.
Is this considered just R without the number?
X12 R is just any Real number.
However, by default, leading and trailing 0's are not accepted so if your Trading Partner has to send values like 0.10, you must set the Leading and Trailing Spaces and Zeroes rule to Allow or Trim on the Validation section of the THEM->YOU tab of the Agreement.
However, it better to tell them to not send unnecessary characters.
There's no such thing as R2 (Rx), decimal notation is required. There is Nx where the x is the number of implied decimal places.