Essentially, I'm making a game in Flash CS6 where a light source is projected onto the screen. You get a mirror that you can drag around. When the mirror touches the light, however, it should bounce off it and end up 90 degrees offset after it hit the mirror.
I don't have enough reputation to post pictures, but here's a link to an explanation of the problem:
If you can help me solve this I would be really happy.
Thanks in advance,
This is an extremely quick and dirty example to get the ball rolling. There are many issues with this code, so I suggest you use it only as a jumping off point. Details are commented within the code.
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MirrorTest extends Sprite
private var _mirror:Sprite;
private var _line:Sprite;
public function MirrorTest()
// create the line clip
_line = addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;;, 0xFF0000);, 0);, 0); // starting it off at an arbitrary width
_line.y = 100; // positioning line so that we can see when it bends upwards
// create the mirror clip
_mirror = addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;
// draw a square and rotate it so we have a diamond shape;, -20, 40, 40);;
_mirror.rotation = 45;
_mirror.x = _mirror.y = 200; // position the mirror away from the line
// add even listeners to trigger dragging/dropping
_mirror.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragMirror);
_mirror.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropMirror);
private function dragMirror($event:MouseEvent):void
// start dragging the mirror.
// add the ENTER_FRAME listener so that we can check for colision as the mirror is being moved around
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onTick);
private function dropMirror($event:MouseEvent):void
// stop dragging the mirror
// remove the ENTER_FRAME listener so we don't waste cycles checking for collision when the mirror is not being moved around
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onTick);
private function onTick($event:Event):void
// check to see if the mirror has collided with the line
if (_mirror.hitTestObject(_line))
// if so, redraw the line as a right-angle, using the mirror's position as the "collision point";, 0xFF0000);, 0); - _mirror.width * .5, 0); - _mirror.width * .5, -100);
// if not, redraw the original line;, 0xFF0000);, 0);, 0);