I experience the following problem trying to create a variable that stores an array of functions:
class MySwiftClass {
// Compilation Error: '()' is not a subtype of 'MySwiftClass'
var arrayOfFunctions: [() -> Int] = [myFunction]
func myFunction() -> Int {
return 0
Actually this code cannot be compiled with error:
'()' is not a subtype of 'MySwiftClass'
But it works if setup this array in runtime:
class MySwiftClass {
var arrayOfFunctions: [() -> Int] = [() -> Int]()
init() {
arrayOfFunctions = [myFunction]
func myFunction() -> Int {
return 0
Can anybody explain whether it's a bug of Swift compiler or it's expected behaviour? I don't see any reason for compilation error in the first case, moreover error description is meaningfulness as for me.
It's by design in Swift. A initializer assigned to a property (in your case, arrayOfFunctions
) cannot access self
before init
is run. In your case, it's trying to access self.myFunction
. You can only access self
safely in the init
Look here https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Initialization.html at "Safety Check 4".