I often run into MSSQL databases that have many more tables than are listed in information_schema
or systables
For example, I'm querying a database right now but only getting the tables spt_fallback_db
, spt_fallback_dev
, spt_fallback_usg
, spt_monitor
, spt_values
. (1)
How does this happen?
And - can it be fixed easily?
(1) I should clarify that this isn't a permissions issue, as I am sysadmin on the database ; there are around 200 tables and I have full permission on all of them.
@DeadZone was right on the money, the query had some issues. I was using:
DECLARE @command varchar(1000)
SELECT @command = 'SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype=''U'' '
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command
But it would only show system tables. So then I switched to a more direct query to see what was going on and was able to view the tables:
SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'