NOTE: This is the final answer, ideally we shouldn't be updating original question, Thanks Alex P for pointing out.
How can we use multiple case... when with substr in Oracle?
Table (T1):
Hostname Value
H1 oracleDB1 (local x)
H2 oracleDB2 (local y)
H3 congo/db/abc
H4 congo/db/def
H5 other/rsync
Query: *SELECT hostname,
WHEN value like ('%oracle%')
THEN substr(value, 7,instr(value, ' ')-7) // get value = DB1, DB2..
WHEN value like ('%congo%')
THEN value = 'congo' //get value = congo
substr(value, 1,5) // get first 5 character
END AS value
Expected Result:
H1 DB1
H2 DB2
H3 congo
H4 congo
H5 other
I think my fist substr is wrong since it give me oracleDB1 instead of just DB1, can someone please just correct way to handle this?
You're currently doing:
substr(value, 1, instr(value, ' ') - 1)
Which gives you the substring that starts at the first character, and is instr(value, ' '), - 1
characters long. So for oracleDB1 (local x)
, the first space is character 10, so you're getting the 9 characters starting at position 1.
If you just change the starting position to 7 to skip the fixed 'oracle'
substr(value, 7, instr(value, ' ') - 1)
then you'll the 9 characters starting at position 1, which is DB1 (LOCA
. Remember the third argument is the length, it isn't the end position. So now you need to take the length of the fixed oracle
part into account again, and reduce the length you're looking for by that amount too:
substr(value, 7, instr(value, ' ') - 7)
Or spelling out where the values are coming from:
substr(value, length('oracle') + 1, instr(value, ' ') - (length('oracle') + 1))