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Can I turn on Fortran syntax highlight with ".h" file in vim?

I am working on a Fortran project. The author keeps all function interfaces in the ".F90" file between the "module/end module" part, and keeps all the implementation in a separate ".h" file. A "#include" command is used at the end of the module section.

I am trying to study the implementation code. Unfortunately, vim does not treat the .h file as a fortran source code, and I could not turn on the syntax highlight. Is there a way to get the syntax highlight on?

Best regards,


  • You can override the detected syntax / filetype (probably C for *.h files) with

    :setlocal filetype=fortran

    also while opening:

    :edit +setf\ fortran file.h

    If you need this often (and don't usually edit C/C++ header files), you can also adapt the default filetype detection rules; cp. :help ftdetect.

    (This all assumes you have syntax highlighting turned on via :syntax on in your ~/.vimrc.)