I would like to search places between two given distances, using GeoPoints. Using the currently api, I think I could make something like this pseudo algorithm:
query.whereWithinKilometers("directions", GlobalData.ownerGeoPoint, MAXIMUM distance);
query.whereWithinKilometers("directions", GlobalData.ownerGeoPoint, MINIMUM distance);
How can I translate to real code?
Finally I found a way to do it with a parse query.
// Do not want locations further than maxDistance
ParseQuery query = ParseQuery.getQuery("MyData");
query.whereWithinKilometers("location", userGeoPoint, maxDistance);
// Do not want locations closer than minDistance
ParseQuery<ParseObject> innerQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery("MyData");
innerQuery.whereWithinKilometers("location", userGeoPoint, minDistance);
query.whereDoesNotMatchKeyInQuery("objectId", "objectId", innerQuery);