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Android: Put GPSTimeStamp into jpg EXIF tags

I trying to set the "GPSTimeStamp" into the exif tags of an jpg via android. The documentation is pretty scarce on this one: Type is String. Constant Value: "GPSTimeStamp". But what is the exact format?

Looking here:
GPSTimeStamp: rational64u[3] (when writing, date is stripped off if present, and time is adjusted to UTC if it includes a timezone)

So I need a long value a 3 cell array? I not sure, what to put in. I have obtained a "UTC time of this fix, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970." via location.gettime().
If I write the long value as a string into the Timestamp and check the exif tags via "exif" on Linux, I get the error "denominator expected". All experiments with hh:mm:ss, or other formats have failed. Being a bit lost here.


  • Proper format for GPSTimeStamp attribute for sample time 14:22:32 is


    You can use following code:

    Location location = ...; // TODO - Set location properly.
    long locationTome = location.getTime();
    ExifInterface imageExif = new ExifInterface("absolute_path_to_image");
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int hourOfDay = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
    int seconds = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    String exifGPSTimestamp = hourOfDay + "/1," + minutes + "/1," + seconds + "/1";
    imageExif.setAttribute("GPSTimeStamp", exifGPSTimestamp);

    It has similar format as GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude attributes. Useful explanation for such format could be also found here: