I am trying to declare a multidimensional list and use it by reference (under scheme)
(let* (
(big-list (list '(0 0 8 4 255 255) '(0 0 16 6 255 255)))
(small-list 0) (v1 0) (v2 0) (v3 0)
(set! small-list (car(big-list)))
(set! v1 (car(small-list)))
(set! v2 (cadr(small-list)))
As you wise and experienced schemers can see it is not working. I suspect that "big-list" obviously needs some special treatment in declaration and access (Illegal function!), and I am afraid I have scoured the web some but have been unable to find guidance.
Any kind soul please help ?
The syntax of let
and let*
is (let <bindings> <body>)
The bindings are only available in the body. Your example becomes:
(let* ((big-list (list '(0 0 8 4 255 255) '(0 0 16 6 255 255)))
(small-list 0)
(v1 0)
(v2 0)
(v3 0))
(set! small-list (car big-list))
(set! v1 (car small-list))
(set! v2 (cadr small-list))
(display "v1 ") (display v1) (newline)
(display "v2 ") (display v2) (newline))
Here (set! v1 (car small-list))
is moved into the body of the let.
An alternative is to use define
(define big-list (list '(0 0 8 4 255 255) '(0 0 16 6 255 255)))
(define small-list 0)
(define v1 0)
(define v2 0)
(define v3 0)
(set! small-list (car big-list))
(set! v1 (car small-list))
(set! v2 (cadr small-list))
(display "v1 ") (display v1) (newline)
(display "v2 ") (display v2) (newline)