I'm using GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo
notifications to track GC events. It's nice, but looks like the output is invalid. I expect that getGcInfo().getMemoryUsageBeforeGc() -> MemoryUsage.getUsed()
will report particular segment usage before running current GC.
But it is always equal to getGcInfo().getMemoryUsageAfterGc()
from previous notification. What's wrong here?
Here is the I use and it is working :) I mean I get correct numbers both before and after GC.
public synchronized void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) {
if (GARBAGE_COLLECTION_NOTIFICATION.equals(notification.getType())) {
GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo info = from((CompositeData) notification.getUserData());
com.sun.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean mxBean = (com.sun.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean) handback;
GcInfo gcInfo = mxBean.getLastGcInfo();
if (gcInfo != null) {
//use gcInfo.getMemoryUsageBeforeGc() and gcInfo.getMemoryUsageAfterGc()