Normally what we do is
...}}_{{$index}}" ng-options="option.serial_no as option.NameRelation for option in fullFamilydetails" ng-model="obj.ch6a_decl_fam_memb_id">
and on Java I am doing
familyDetails.put("NameRelation", Emp_FamilyInfoTemp.getName()+"-"+Emp_FamilyInfoTemp.getRelation());
As you see I am handling it on java to show "NAME" - "RELATION" pair as "name of ng-options"
but what I want is to keep NAME and RELATION as different properties in json but show a combination of them while creating ng-options, all and all I want to create the same effect while keeping the properties separate.
Current Sample Json
[{"DOB":"2014-09-03 00:00:00.0","NameRelation":"MaleChildTest-Son","SERIAL_NO":55213,"AGE":"0"},{"DOB":"2014-09-12 00:00:00.0","NameRelation":"FemaleChildTest-Daughter","SERIAL_NO":55216,"AGE":"0"},{"DOB":"2014-09-12 00:00:00.0","NameRelation":"MaleChildTesEmp-Son","SERIAL_NO":55217,"AGE":"0"},{"DOB":"2014-09-12 00:00:00.0","NameRelation":"FemaleChildEmployeeTest-Daughter","SERIAL_NO":55218,"AGE":"0"},{"DOB":"","NameRelation":"Test-Father","SERIAL_NO":55219,"AGE":"0"}]
supposed JSON
[{"DOB":"2014-09-03 00:00:00.0","Name":"MaleChildTest","Relation":"Son","SERIAL_NO":55213,"AGE":"0"}....]
In dropdown I want Name-Relaiton as "name" of options.
<select ng-options="option.serial_no as label(option.Name, option.Relation) for option in fullFamilydetails" ng-model="obj"></select>
In your JS:
angular.module("SO29137733", [])
.controller("MainCtrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.fullFamilydetails = [{
"DOB": "2014-09-03 00:00:00.0",
"Name": "MaleChildTest",
"Relation": "Son",
"SERIAL_NO": 55213,
"AGE": "0"
}, {
"DOB": "2014-09-03 00:00:00.0",
"Name": "MaleChildTest",
"Relation": "Son",
"SERIAL_NO": 55213,
"AGE": "0"
$scope.label = function (name, relation) {
return name + "-" + relation;
Another option:
<option ng-repeat="option in options" value="{{option.serial_no}}">
{{ + " "+option.relation}}
In your JS:
angular.module("SO29137733", [])
.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.options = [{
serial_no : "123",
name : "hi",
relation: "parent"
serial_no : "1233",
name : "sa",
relation: "sdf"