I had read many posts here about mixing languages use of Fortran and C++. However, I'm still stuck with my current problem: my Fortran program always aborted.
I have the Fortran program: test-cc.f90 and the C++ program: deb_cc.cc.
deb_cc.cc contains:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" void deb_cc_(float*** rh,int* x, int* y , int* z_ext )
cout <<"thinkdeb 1"<<endl;
int i, j, k;
cout <<"thinkdeb 1"<<endl;
cout <<"thinktest i=8,j=4,k=1"<< " (*x) " << (*x)<<endl;
cout <<"thinktest i=8,j=4,k=1"<< " x3/rh " << rh[1][1][1]<<endl; //abortion
// here
cout <<"thinkdeb 7"<<endl;
}//end function
test-cc.f90 contains:
implicit none
subroutine deb_cc( rh,x,y,z_ext)
implicit none
integer(c_int):: x,y,z_ext
end subroutine
end interface
integer nx,ny,nz
parameter (nx=10,ny=10,nz=10)
real ,dimension (:,:,:),allocatable:: x1
integer:: iy1,iy2,iy3,iy4
integer i,j,k
do k=1,nz
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
call deb_cc(x1,iy1,iy2,iy3)
I compiled them by pgf90 -c test-cc.f90
and pgcpp -c deb_cc.cc
Finally, I linked them by pgf90 -pgcpplibs test-cc.o deb_cc.o
The output is:
thinktest in test- x1 (8,2,2) is 2208.000
thinkdeb 1
thinkdeb 1
thinktest i=8,j=4,k=1 (*x) 10
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
You use the iso_c_binding
module, but your procedure interface is not C interoperable.
The iso_c_binding
module is not the most important thing. The bind(C)
attribute is the key. (I ranted several times about the unfortunate name of the tag here)
You use an assumed shape allocatable array argument
these are not allowed in interoperable procedures in Fortran 2008, because C or C++ have no idea what to do with them. They are not just addresses. If you used the bind(C)
attribute in the interface, the compiler should tell you it is wrong.
There is a possibility to pass them in the next Fortran standard (in an existing TS actually) using a special C header, but some compilers (notably gfortran) are still not compatible.
As you do not do any reallocation on the C side (at least in your example), you can just pass the array as an assumed size (array(*)
) argument. I also changed the C++ name, no need for the underscore.
subroutine deb_cc(rh,x,y,z_ext) bind(C, name="deb_cc")
real(c_float) :: rh(*)
integer(c_int):: x,y,z_ext
end subroutine
end interface
On the C side, you cannot use the C arrays which are pointers to pointers ([i][j][k]). What you receive from Fortran is a single block of memory. You also have to pass the array shape. At least in the first two Fortan dimensions.
I would just use a macro to index the array in C.
// adjust as needed, many variants possible
#define IND(i,j,k) = i + (j-1) * nx + (k-1) * nx * ny
// adjust as needed, many variants possible
extern "C" void deb_cc(float *rh, int *nx, int *ny, int *nz) {
cout <<"thinktest i=8,j=4,k=1"<< " x3/rh " << rh(IND(8,4,1))<<endl;